There are more ways to pay for your public transport fare than ever before.
You can use your Opal card to tap on and off on any public transport service. An Opal card is the best option if you’re travelling with a concession.
When you use your Opal card correctly by tapping on and tapping off, you may be able to access Opal benefits such as:
- Daily and weekly travel caps
- Weekly travel rewards
- Off peak travel discounts
- Opal transfer discounts
If you have an American Express, Mastercard or Visa credit or debit card or a linked device, you can use it to pay for your travel by tapping on and tapping off at Opal readers. Just look for the contactless payment symbol
. Contactless payments are available on all public transport in the Opal network.
You will pay an Adult fare when you tap on and tap off with contactless payments. Use the same credit card, debit card or linked device for all your travel all week to receive the same travel benefits of an Adult Opal card. Find out more about paying the right fare.